Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

This Week

Monday  Art Homework is Due

Tuesday  Expository Homework for Mr. Eng Due

Wednesday  Extra Credit Spelling Night

Thursday  Spelling Test/ Spelling Homework Due
                            Winter concert at 8:15 and 9:45 a.m.
                             Gym Homework Due

Friday   Assessment for Rattlers
                         Book Buddy Celebration /Activity starting at 1p.m. in Ms. Gullo's Room

If you have not viewed the power point presented at the Tuesday Outdoor Ed. meeting, you can find a link on my webpage.
When students return they should have 2 reading logs to turn in.  One log is from the homework that they will be completing THIS week.  They should also have their topic for their academic fair project and research paper so it can be approved.  A time line sheet will be sent home in January of due date checks.

Students' Book Reports are due on Friday January 13th.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Art Homework

Students are forgetting to complete their art homework.  Art homework is reflected in their grades. This homework is due each Monday and is to be done in their sketchbooks.  I see many students on Monday mornings trying to complete this before they go to art.  Friday afternoon before dismissal I made an announcement to make sure they take their books home, and when I looked in the art box, there were MANY books not taken home.  They are allowed to draw it on paper for proper credit.  Here are the assignments for this trimester thus far:

1. Draw a room in your house. (due the week of 12/5/11)
2. Draw a Logo. (due the week of 12/12/11)
3. Draw a picture of Outer Space. (due the week of 12/19/11)

Physical Education Homework is also due this week.  If your child lost their homework sheet, there is a link on my web page and blog to print another one.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Our first investigation in Science will be Swingers.

The Purpose in Swingers,
Students will
  • Observe and compare the behaviors of swingers
  • Gain experience with the concept of variable
  • Conduct controlled experiments to find out what variables affect the number of cycles a swinger will complete in a unit of time
  • Relate swinger length to the number of cycles it completes in a unit of time
  • Make a concrete, pictorial, and two-coordinate graphs of experimental results
  • Use graphs to look for errors and make predictions
  • Use scientific thinking processes to conducting investigations and build explanations:  observing,communicating, comparing,organizing,and relating.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Irving Eagle Extras

Good morning fellow parents,

AT the PTO meeting last week, it was mentioned that the 3-5th grade portion of the Irving Eagle Extras activities for this next period is in serious danger of being canceled all together.  Currently, there is not a single activity for this age group that has met the minimum numbers necessary.  If registration does not increase in the next week, there will be no choice but to cancel these classes.  Please register as soon as possible.

(one room parent)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I cannot believe it is December, time is just flying by and in no time the New Year will be upon us!  If you have not put on your calendars the Outdoor Ed meeting, please plan on attending to learn about this EXCITING trip.  That date is Dec.13, Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m.   Also the Winter Concert is being held on Dec.22 and again there are two identical performances that you can choose from.  The times are 8:15 and 9:45a.m.
On Dec.23 in the afternoon, we will be celebrating the New Year with our book buddies.  A room parent will be contacting you to help supply healthy snacks for this celebration.  We will be toasting the New Year at 2:30p.m.
Tomorrow is the last quiz on the nervous system/skin.  The final test will be taken on Wednesday.   Book projects and a 1/2 page summary are due on Tuesday.
Students have a project due for Ms. Tresselt on Thursday.  They are to have everything ready so they can assemble their cubes in class.  If you did not know about this project, click on this link.

Monday-  Science Quiz  All 5th grade
Tuesday   Book projects Due 
                      Reading Olympics 
Wednesday Balicki Science Final Test
                           Xtra Credit Spelling Homework night
Thursday    Spelling Test  and Homework due
                        Tresselt Native American Project Due
                         Science Final Test for Tresselt and Eng
Friday          Treasure Assessment for Hidden Worlds will
                        be given on Monday. Contract work will be due
                        by Wed.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Change in Math Homework

Math homework was changed for tonight.  Studylink 5.1 was assigned and this was changed to Mathboxes 4.7 and 5.1.  If 4.7 was completed , I told students to work on 5.2.

The math packets did not arrive on time due to mechanical difficulties at the administrative building.  They assured me they would arrive tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to a group of very special people!
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Parent Outdoor Education Meeting

 Outdoor Education Meeting!

Tuesday, December 13
Irving’s Auditorium

At this meeting you will learn about

the location

the cost

the dates the schedule

the expectations

chaperone opportunities

the educational experiences

what needs to be turned in

what to bring

what not to bring

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This week

Monday Social Studies Map Test

Tuesday  Science Quiz on Digestive System

               PBIS Olympic Day Celebration in p.m.

Wednesday   No School

Thursday    Happy Thanksgiving

Friday   No School

Contracts for Sleds on Boston Commons are Due Next week Monday. 

Book Projects and 1/2 summary are due Dec.6

The next science quiz is scheduled for Dec. 5th.  The Final test will be Wednesday Dec. 7.

Report Cards go home on Friday Dec. 9

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Important Items for This Week

Wednesday  Picture retakes todayt
Thursday -The Fifth Grade field trip  to the Arts Center of Oak Park to watch a play titled, A Rockin’ Tale of Snow White.
-We will depart at 9:00AM and return to school at 11:30AM on Thursday, November 17.  Students will bring a bag lunch.

Turkey Trot at 2pm

The following week has only two days of school.  It is a busy week though.  That Monday the 21st is the Social Studies test on states and capitals, and Tuesday will be the digestive system quiz as well as the PBIS Olympic Day Celebration.

The final science quiz on the nervous system/skin will be on Monday Dec. 5th, and the final test for Balicki Class will be on Wednesday December 7th., and Tresselt and Eng on Dec.8.  

1st trimester report cards go home on December 9.

It is hard to believe that 1/3 of the school year is over.  
There will be an Outdoor Ed Parent meeting the beginning of December. I will let you know the date as soon as it is finalized.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Google a Day Problem

We have started doing Google a Day problems.  This short activity will help students learn how to search a certain question.  I will post the daily question on my blog and website.  Here is a link to Google a Day if you're interested in searching for the answer yourself!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hats OFF For Cancer

Tomorrow, student will be allowed to wear hats in school if they give a donation amount of $1.50.  This activity is sponsored through the Irving Student Council. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cookie Dough Orders

Orders were due last week. If you have not returned yours, please get it back to school with your child asap. They will be needing to place the order this week.

Important Items for This Week

Tuesday Don't forget about the science quiz today!
Wednesday Field Trip Permission Slips are due.  If you did not receive a slip it is posted on both my web page and blog.

Friday there is NO School due to Veteran's Day.  Enjoy your day off!

Next week,  Nov. 16th is Picture Retake Day.  

Nov.17 is our Field Trip to the Art Center of Oak Park in the a.m. and in the afternoon is the Turkey Trot starting at 2p.m.

Nov. 21 is the Social Studies State/Capital Test

 Nov. 22 is the Digestive System Quiz for ALL 5th grade

Nov. 23 is NO School due to Institute Day followed by Thanksgiving Break 

FYI  I have the FINAL Human Body test scheduled for Dec. 7 and Dec. 8 for Tresselt and Eng.
Book Projects will be Due on Dec. 6th and books should be completed about the week before, so they have plenty of time to get their project done and organize their time.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Important Items for This Week

MondayHalloween activities will take place in the afternoon.  Students will dress after lunch.  There will be no homework tonight except for 20 minutes of reading.  Please limit the amount of candy your child places into their lunch on Tuesday.  : )
Book Reports are DUE Today
TuesdayMr. Eng's writing assignment is DUE  today
Wednesday-  Extra Credit Spelling tonight for raffle tickets. 
Thursday- Spelling Test today, and spelling packets are due.
                            Social Studies Chapter 1 Test
Friday- Assessment on "Night of San Juan"  Contracts are due on Monday.

The next science quiz is scheduled for Nov. 8th. on the respiratory system.  Tresselt/Eng Nov. 10

New novels will be coming home this week for the month of November.  A book project will be due for this month.  Your child must choose a project other than the one they did in September.

There is no school on Next Friday Nov. 11th.

My math students will be taking the Unit 3 test Next Tuesday.  The next Unit focuses on Division.

Fieldtrip letters are going home on Monday for the Snow White play.

Thank you to all who are helping with the Halloween Planning for tomorrow.  You all are the BEST! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Change in Math Homework Tonight

Tonight for homework, students are to do Journal pages 82 and 83. They are also to finish the design we started in class today.

Eng/Tresselt Dates

Mr. Eng's Writing homework

Character/Setting Assignment Details

This assignment is DUE Nov.1st

Ms Tresselt's Social Studies homework

Worksheet is due on Thursday Oct. 27

Chapter 1 test is Nov. 3rd

State and Capital test is Nov. 21

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Few November Dates

 Tomorrow, Wednesday, is the Circulatory System Quiz. 

Students have a writing assignment that is DUE on Nov. 1.
It is about  Character and Setting.  To see specific details follow this link Mr. Eng's Assignment.

Ms. Tresselt has her next Social Studies test scheduled for Thursday Nov. 3rd.  As I find out more details of this test, I will forward that information to you. Students do have a homework packet that is due for this test, but I do not have the date.  I will get that to you tomorrow.

Tomorrow,  Wednesday, CAST from Julian will be performing for the students in the morning.  This will be a nice introduction to extracurricular activities that students may participate in while at the middle school.  On Wednesday night there will be a performance for the Irving community.

We will be going to see a play on November 17 called Rockin Tale of Snow White.  One of our 5th grade students is in this play, and details will be sent home soon.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

DATE CHANGE on Balicki Science Quiz

I am changing the date of the Quiz that is scheduled for Tuesday to Wednesday the 26th

Circulatory Quiz is now on Wednesday the 26th. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Peanut FREE Zone

With Halloween approaching,  it is very important that no nut items come into the classroom as well as items that MAY have been processed in the same area as peanuts. Please read the ingredient labels very closely, and for those of us that have trouble seeing closely now, put on your reading glasses, the print is small. Thank you for your help.

Cell Phones at School

If your child needs a cell phone at school, there are a few things you should know:

1. You must have a written note turned into the office of your request.

2. The cell phone must be turned OFF during school hours and stored either in:
a. the student's backpack in their locker
b. my desk drawer

3. Students are not to have their cell phones throughout the day. If you need to contact your child you can either call the office, send me an email, or if you would like, I can give you my cell phone number for extreme emergencies.

Thank you for your adhering to this school policy.

A Few Reminders

I blogged the Halloween Agenda yesterday and there was a mistake in the flyer.  After the parade students will go to their classrooms, not the gym.

Conferences are this week.  I am really looking forward to meeting with each of you.   Also this week is the Irving Book Fair.  Our class will be going on Thursday.  I believe the fair begins on Monday at 3 p.m. 

There are 1/2 days on Thursday and Friday.  Students will be dismissed at 11a.m.

The next quiz in science will be on Tuesday  Oct.25 on the Circulatory System.  The OTHER two classes will take it on Thurs. Oct. 27. Even though they do not know the new material yet, they can still be reviewing their old quizzes, as there will be review questions as we prepare for the final test.

My math students took their Unit 2 test home on Friday.  Please look it over and have your child return it with a signature on Monday.  If your child does not have a protractor or compass, they will need one this week.  A old fashion protractor without the moving arm is best from my observation.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Halloween Day Agenda

Monday October 31, 2011

12:00-12:30- Time to change into costume

12:30-1:00- Parade - Out front door of
school, once around the block and
playground, parade into the building and
directly to the gym.

1:00-1:30- Classroom Celebrations.

1:45-2:30- Performance in the gym.

***Plan B (Rain Plan): Classes line up per
instructions and sit in the hallway**

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Science Quiz

The science quiz was given back yesterday.  If you have not seen it, please ask your child about it.

Today a document went home asking you to check the information you want included in the school directory.  If the information is fine, you do not have to do anything, but if the information has changed, please correct it and send it back to school.

Tomorrow my math class Unit 2 tests will be going home.  Please look it over, sign it and have your child return it.  I would like to discuss them at your conference.

Conferences are next week.  If anything changes with your schedule, please email as soon as possible.  I am looking forward to meeting with you!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


The science quiz on the muscular system is Tuesday.
Ms. Tresselt's Social Studies quiz is on Thursday.


Our class has earned 122 Eagle Wings!  We are flying high!  We are celebrating one of our PBIS awards this Thursday.  The students have chosen a spirit day.  They will switching places with another student and dressing like the other person.  Our next award is a popcorn party. It will be on the next Wednesday that the students do not have chorus.

Art Homework is due Next Monday, Oct 17.

New Reading Packets will be given out on Tuesday. The practice and grammar packets will be due on Oct.21st, and will include the weekend grace period as usual.

Conferences are next week.  If you forget your time, the schedule is posted on both my blog and web page.
There will be only 1/2 days on Thursday and Friday of conference week.  Students will be dismissed at 11a.m.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Social Study Quiz

There will be a Social Studies QUIZ on Thursday, October 13

Click BELOW for Social Studies STUDY INFORMATION:

C1 Lesson 1

C1 Lesson 2 

Science Quiz on Muscular System is Tuesday Oct. 11

Monday, October 3, 2011


Our class will be taking pictures tomorrow afternoon around 12:30 p.m.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Important Items for This Week

Monday-  Research for Mr. Eng should be completed.
                 Book Groups will meet, Students should have read
                 3 nights to page assigned.
                 Is your picture money in, or have you paid online?

Tuesday-  Picture Day

Wednesday-  Walk to School Day  ( Bus students may walk during  lunch with 
                                                                                          Mr. Hancock)
                       Extra Credit Spelling Night

Thursday-  Spelling Test Lesson 1-2, and Packets Due

Friday-  Treasures Assessment , Grammar and Practice packets
               are Due.
                       *Students can finish packets over the weekend and turn them in on Monday.

There is no school next Monday, the 10th.  Science Quiz on Muscular System will be on the 11th

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Writing Due Dates

Mr. Eng's Writing homework

Civil Rights News Article/meng/documents/writingassign%231.pdf

Research/Gathering Background Information should be done by: Monday: October 3
-Rough Draft should be done by: Tuesday: October 11
-Editing/Revising should be done by: Monday: October 17
-Final Draft/Ready to Turn In-Due Date: Monday October 24

This is another writing contest.  This "Scary Story Contest" is extra credit for writing class and I will submit any entries that are given to me by OCTOBER 11


Friday, September 30, 2011

Picture Day. New information

You can place your picture order online!
Go to
Enter the code581132. It will then bring up Irving's information, and you can place your order. Cool, huh?

World Language Program

For 2011-2012, the World Language Program has expanded its offerings to include Japanese, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Mandarin and Spanish. Classes will initially be offered for Kindergarten to 4th grades (exceptions will be make for 5th graders that are really willing to take a class). Classes will run for 1 hour every week.

An Application link can be found on the digital backpack.

I NOW have a link off my webpage to the digital backpack!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Correction on Picture Date

Fall School Pictures are on Tuesday October 4th. 

Walk to School Day is on  Wednesday October 5th.

Sorry for any confusion on my last blog!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Fall Picture information went home yesterday.  Fall pictures require you to pay before the pictures are taken.  This year our school is using a different company, so don't look for the old picture form.  Pictures will be taken on Tuesday, Oct 5th.

Please make sure your child is working on their Spanish scavenger hunt.  October 12 is right around the corner.

ISAT and Fall MAP scores will be coming home tomorrow!!!!  They will be in a large manila envelope.  If you have any questions , Please let me know.   I plan on discussing the results at conferences, but if you can't wait, just let me know.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Few important Items

My math class homework is flip flopped with Tuesdays homework.  Tonight are mathboxes and tomorrow night will be studylink 2.4.

There has been a change in progress report dates.  They are not going home this Friday, but will be going home next Friday Oct.7 instead.

Science quiz on Wednesday!

Just a reminder that our classroom is peanut free. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This week

New spelling packets will be coming home on Monday.   I am offering Extra Credit spelling on both Wednesday evenings.  The packet will be due Thursday Oct 6th, and the test will be on Oct. 7.

The science quiz on cells will be this Wednesday.  Please make sure they also study the bone quiz.  On my blog is a science vocabulary site that they may use to study too.  They will need to sign up for an account and the password to get onto the science page is......................I will email it to you.

Monday, tomorrow, Mr. Eng's writing homework is DUE  as well as Book Projects.  Students will receive their new novel this week.

Math Tests will be coming home tomorrow for my math students.  Please sign the top goal page and have your child return it to me.  They will earn tickets for returning it promptly.

We have earned over 80 eagle wings this year so far!!!!  We are soaring above all the other classes.  What a great class!!! 

Google Docs

Each student this year will have a google docs account through the district.  This is not an email account. 
They may type documents, save them, and share them with others, including teachers!  They can reach the log on page through the district homepage under the student tab. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Spelling and Science

Just a reminder that today is the day to do extra credit spelling homework.  Packets are due tomorrow, and the test for these words will be given as well.   

There is another science quiz next Wednesday.  It will be on cells, a few review questions of the skeletal system, and the labeling of some bones.  We finished up the information today and will spend the next two class periods doing activities in the handout and finding pictures of cells on the Internet. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Writing Assignment

Writing:  Students are writing a small piece for the Fire Prevention Contest.  They will write an essay of 25-50 words on the theme:  "Why is it important to install and test smoke detectors".  This is due on Monday, September 26.


After your child logs into their Treasure's account have them click the "See More" link.  This is the section that they can explore more in depth.

I also just posted a copy of the Spanish Scavenger Hunt that must be completed by Oct. 12th. This assignment was given last week to your child.  Check my blog if you have not seen this assignment.

There is Writing Homework that is due on Monday for Mr. Eng.  I don't know the details of this assignment, so you will need to check with your child.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just a Few Items.....

 Just a reminder, my math students will be taking the Unit 1 test tomorrow.

Spelling packets are due on Thursday, and I will also give the spelling test that day as well.  The spelling pretest for the next lesson will be given on Friday and homework will go home on Monday.  I am offering extra credit spelling homework for Wednesday evening.  Students who write each word 5x each will earn a raffle ticket, and 10x each , 2 tickets.  This extra credit should be done neatly on loose leaf paper.

I emailed each of you the Treasure's Login link and your child's personal information to log on.  As I become more familiar with the site as well, I might assign extra credit homework online.  Please let your child explore this site, as I will be talking with them about their likes and dislikes to get a feel of who would actually like to use it as a learning tool.

The conference schedule was emailed to you.  It is also up on my blog as well as my web site.  That means there is no reason for you  to miss your conference or run late! ( LOL  just kidding, a little Balicki humor there.)  If anything changes in your life between now and Oct 17, just let me know so we can reschedule.  I will resend the schedule to each of you the week before conferences to remind you of your date and time.

Book Projects and a 1/2 page summary are due next week Monday.  Novels should be completed already or by midweek.  Please make sure your child does not wait until the weekend to begin their project work.  If I feel they "threw" something together Sunday evening, I will have them redo their project. The summary can be typed or written neatly on loose leaf paper.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Science Quiz

Science Quizzes are coming home today.  If your child received a score less than a 3, it needs to be signed by a parent and returned tomorrow.  Quizzes should be kept in their science folders because now they will be used as a study guide for future quizzes.

Open House is tonight!!!  I am looking forwarding to meeting each of you tonight.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grading Scale

Grading Scale 

4- Exceeds Grade Level Expectations

3- Meets Grade Level Expectations

2- Below Grade Level Expectations

1- Academic Warning

Please Note: Receiving a 100% correct on an assignment does not  constitute a "4". However, a "4" is possible on some assignments in which students can put more effort into the assignment .  For example: Book Projects, Book Reports, Science Lab write ups in Trimester 2 and 3.


Tuesday is the first Science Quiz on the skeletal system. 

If your child is in my math class, the Unit 1 Test will be next Monday, Sept. 19.  Unit 2 learning goals will be posted soon on my blog.

Open House is this Thursday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. My agenda was emailed to each of you.

Band and Orchestra instrument lessons begin this week.  Students received their schedules for their lesson times.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

MAP Testing

MAP testing is completed for this trimester.  Once again if you would like a copy of the scores earlier than your first conference, just let me know.  I will email you a copy to look over before we meet during conference week.  If you would like a paper copy, just let me know as well.  Happy Weekend!


Science homework is due tomorrow.  Students did not need to do the research part.  The first quiz is on Tuesday, Sept. 13th.  Please make sure your child studies for this quiz from their handouts and notes.

Open House is next week Thursday, Sept.15.  The fifth grade presentation begins at 8:00p.m.  in the computer lab.  Ms. Tresselt, Mr. Eng and I will be in our homerooms from 6:30 to 8 p.m. for the Open House part of the evening.  I will have a conference schedule sign up posted so you can sign up for a time that is best for you.

We have had a wonderful start to the new school year.  Thank you for having such wonderful children! 


Monday, September 5, 2011

Reading Reflection Logs

Please remind your child that their logs are due tomorrow.  Once again on the top sheet it says Friday, but I want it turned in on Mondays.  All 5th graders use the same log.

If all goes according to plan  the first science quiz will be Sept. 13th.  It will be on the skeletal system.  Students should study their notes, the handouts, and know the placement of the bones that we went and will be going over in class. On my blog there is a link to science concepts to help you know what is important.

Just a reminder that Curriculum Night is Thursday Sept. 15. from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Please remind your child to bring their recorders back to school for music.  If for any reason you can't find it, another one can be purchased from Ms. Tarabus.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Math MAP Testing tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon your child will taking the math MAP test.  Please talk to your child and encourage them to do their best, take their time, and work each problem.  Please take the time to link to this website and read this parent tool kit about the MAP test.   This Friday your child will be taking the reading test. 

The only day we will be switching classes is on Thursday for this week.

Spelling will begin next week when we are completed with the introduction to the Treasures Series.  Your child received their novel for the month of Sept.  I will always have pages posted in my newsletter and homework for the week.   I will post them today for you.  Please make sure your child is keeping up with the required reading for their book so they can participate in their book discussion groups on Tuesday Sept. 6.

The Westing Game    pg.70
Red Kayak                pg. 80
Flush                        pg.100
Janitor’s Boy            pg. 60


Thursday, August 25, 2011

MAP Testing

The first MAP testing session begins next week.  Your child will be taking the math test this Monday afternoon in the computer lab.  On Friday the reading test will be given.  Due to MAP testing on Monday afternoon for our class and Tuesday afternoon for Mr. Eng's class, we will not be switching classes on Monday and Tuesday.  If you would like to see the results before our first conference, let me know and I will gladly send a copy home early.

I needed to switch our weekly class library time to Friday mornings.  The correction has been made to the special schedule that is up on my blog. 

Tomorrow, Friday, expect your child to bring home their book group novel.  They will have the expected page number to be read up to for Friday, Sept. 2.  This page number will also be on my newsletter and homework sheet by Sunday.

Tomorrow is the instrumental music assembly for those who want to start playing, or change their instrument from last year.  Those continuing lessons will receive their new schedules for lessons soon after this assembly.  Also, tomorrow is our first fire drill.

Chorus this year is back to Wednesday afternoons at the end of the day.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Reading Reflection Homework

On my blog I posted the homework and newsletter but did not get to xerox it and send it home today.  I have decide to wait until Monday to begin their reading logs.  I will be passing out their novel for the month though tomorrow or Friday.  They should begin reading their books and can start recording their reading on their logs starting Monday evening.  Sorry for any misunderstanding.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Special  Schedule
 Monday:    Art  

Tuesday:    Music

Wednesday: Spanish, Library, Chorus

Thursday:    Spanish and Gym

Friday:        Music                        

*Your child will be switching classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons for Social Studies and Treasures/Writing.

Monday, August 22, 2011

One Day! Are you ready for 5th grade?

School starts on Wednesday!  Just a reminder that it is a full day of school this year.  Students will be dismissed at 1:55 p.m. out the 3rd grade doors.  My newsletter and  homework for the week are posted on my blog.  I also will send home hard copies of these as well each week.

Friday, students will attend a musical instrument assembly.  If your child is learning an instrument already you don't need to do a thing.  If your child wants to begin an instrument or change to a new instrument, this assembly is for this purpose.   Please discuss this with your child if they would like to begin lessons or change their instrument of choice.

If you can have those pencils sharpened before Wednesday, that would be great!

Friday, August 19, 2011


With Halloween approaching,  it is very important that no nut items come into the classroom as well as items that MAY have been processed in the same area as peanuts. Please read the ingredient labels very closely, and for those of us that have trouble seeing closely now, put on your reading glasses, the print is small. Thank you for your help.

Please share with your child

Special request for kids returning to school: If you see someone who is struggling to make friends or being bullied because they don't have friends or because they are shy or not as good looking or not dressed in the best clothes PLEASE step up. Make a difference, be an example.Say hi or at least smile at them in the hallway. Defend them. You never know what that person might be facing outside of school. Your kindness might just make a BIG difference in some one's life!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Supply List for 5th Grade

5th Grade
$3.00 - $5.00 computer head set (narrow jack, no earbuds)
$3.00 - $5.00 USB port Flash Drive/Jump Drive
Backpack (no wheels), tote bag, or book bag
6 folders with inside pockets
6 spiral notebooks (1 subject, wide-ruled)
2 packages of wide-ruled paper
1 pack 4”x6” lined note cards
24 #2 pencils
24 erasable pens, blue or black
5 red correcting pens
1 box markers
1 box crayons or colored pencils
1 pencil sharpener
3 highlighters (different colors)
2 dry erase markers, either black or blue
3 glue sticks
2 8 oz. bottles of white glue
Scissors with a blunt tip
Zippered pencil case
1 transparent, see-through protractor
1 ruler measuring inches and centimeters
1 compass used for drawing circles
3 large boxes of tissue
Water bottle
Gym shoes
1 container Clorox Wipes
2 boxes Ziploc bags – quart & gallon sized
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
For HOME: a pocket calculator
Washington Irving School Supply List
for the 2011-2012 School Year
This is a general list of supplies that your child will need for school.
Each grade level specifies supplies that will be needed.
Other items may be added once the school year is in session.
Please continue to replenish school supplies every three months.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Update on Research Paper

In December students were told to have a topic for the academic fair that they could write a research paper on.  In January each student told me the topic that was chosen.  Each student was given an important dates and Information packet that tells exactly what is expected of them.  During science I went over the packet in detail and Important Dates with each class and answered all questions.  During another science class we went over what a rough outline is and what it should look like.  It was explained to students that their 4-5 subtopics would be their "What" I am looking for as I am researching. The rough outline was due Feb.1

Ms. Noonan then began using their weekly library time to go over how to record their sources, and how to search and use Internet sites.  She gave each 5th grade student  a packet called The Big 6 Skills and went over this packet and went over it and told students they are to record their sources in this packet to help them write their bibliography page, and a sheet of good sites for students to use.

 Ms. Tresselt stepped in and took a class period to teach each class how to use notecards.  This time fell around Feb. 17th the first notecard check.  Students were told for this check to have a couple cards per subtopic and told them the next check they should have a good 5 per subtopic.  That brings us to the second notecard check March 3rd.  This check is used to make sure students are researching their topics along this process.
After spring break, I am going to have all notecards brought in and teach the students the next step, which is taking all the notecards for each subtopic and organizing them in the order they would like them presented in their papers.  Once they are organized, then all the student has to do is combine those facts, into paragraphs and write their rough draft.  It is like writing 5 mini expository essays which they know how to write already.The rough draft would be due then April 11.  Then students have until April 20th to tweak it and hand in their final copy April 20th.   April 7th will be a bibliography check, students will use their packets and Ms. Noonan will explain how to just copy the information they wrote in their packets as a page.

We are adding another 2 class periods on how to write and organize notecards.  Ms. Tresselt will be going over this again and we have added an additional card check on March 17.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Few Items

If your child has not returned their permission form to walk to Julian on Thursday, please get that back to school by Wednesday.

Student sketchbooks are due when they come back to school on Tuesday.

ISATS begin next Monday.  In previous years I have not given homework during  this week.  The only homework I give is for the student to be in bed by 8:30 pm and to bring a note from you stating that each day.  Students will earn their 2 raffle tickets for each returned note.

As students continue with their note cards, please make sure they are only putting ONE  fact or paraphrase on a note card  and recording the page number and source on the back.

On the last science quiz that is posted on my blog, I have included the short response answers for those that did poorly and did not get the correct answers copied down.  Please pass this along to the other parents in the 5th grade.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Julian Orientation

Students will be walking to Julian next Thursday Feb.24th for their student orientation.  They will get to meet some of the staff, learn about how the middle school is set-up, and take a tour of the school.  We will be leaving at 8:30am and will be back for lunch around 11:30.  A permission slip went home on Tuesday.  If you have not seen this white permission slip, please ask your child. 

 Julian will be holding a Parent Orientation on March 16th.  We have not received the time as of yet.  If you are a parent new to Julian come this fall,  please make sure you  attend this informational meeting!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Monday is Valentine's Day.  If students bring valentines to school they are to bring one for EACH student, and please have them include the 3 inclusion students in our room.  I told students on Friday they don't need to bring any extra candy or snacks.  If a piece of candy is on the valentine they are passing out, that is fine.  Instead of a party, students will be rotating among three stations in our classrooms.  Stations consist of decorating cupcakes and ice-cream,  making valentine cards for a nursing home, and playing a word game.

This Thursday is the first notecard check for the students' research papers.  It was brought to my attention that Ms. Payton's students were the only students that learned this method.  Ms. Tresselt will be going over how to use notecards on Tuesday.  I do still expect students to bring their cards on Thursday, divided into their subtopics according to their rough outlines.  Each separate stack should have a notecard on top stating the subtopic.  If your child is working with another student, they must have their OWN set of notecards to write their OWN research paper.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Change in Math Homework Tonight

Due to Career Day yesterday, we were unable to take the Unit 5 test.  We took it today, and will be starting Unit 6 tomorrow.  Tonight's homework therefore is not Studylink 6.1.  If all math boxes are completed  and corrections, your child has no math homework tonight.  

Saturday, January 22, 2011

UPcoming Dates

January 24       No school/ Institute day
January 26th -28th    Outdoor Ed trip
January 31st and Feb.3rd    Conference Days
Feb. 1st     Rough Outlines for research papers due
Feb. 2nd    Lifeboat Quiz for Science
Feb. 10th   Book Projects and 1/2 page summary is due

Map testing is completed.  I have the results which I will share with you at your conference time.  If you would like to see them before your conference  Please just let me know and I will give you a copy of the results ahead of time!
There is a Social Studies test coming up very soon.  I do not know the exact date so please ask your child.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Research Project Due Dates

Academic Fair Project
And Research Paper

February 1st   A rough OUTLINE of the research             paper.  Students should have an idea of what headings they want to include and research on their topic.
February 17th  1st Check of Research NOTECARDS
March 3rd       2nd Check of NOTECARDS
April 7th           BIBLIOGRAPHY Page Check
April 11th       ROUGH DRAFT Due
April 20th       FINAL TYPED COPY DUE and    academic fair presentation board