Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Change in Math Homework

Math homework was changed for tonight.  Studylink 5.1 was assigned and this was changed to Mathboxes 4.7 and 5.1.  If 4.7 was completed , I told students to work on 5.2.

The math packets did not arrive on time due to mechanical difficulties at the administrative building.  They assured me they would arrive tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to a group of very special people!
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Parent Outdoor Education Meeting

 Outdoor Education Meeting!

Tuesday, December 13
Irving’s Auditorium

At this meeting you will learn about

the location

the cost

the dates the schedule

the expectations

chaperone opportunities

the educational experiences

what needs to be turned in

what to bring

what not to bring

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This week

Monday Social Studies Map Test

Tuesday  Science Quiz on Digestive System

               PBIS Olympic Day Celebration in p.m.

Wednesday   No School

Thursday    Happy Thanksgiving

Friday   No School

Contracts for Sleds on Boston Commons are Due Next week Monday. 

Book Projects and 1/2 summary are due Dec.6

The next science quiz is scheduled for Dec. 5th.  The Final test will be Wednesday Dec. 7.

Report Cards go home on Friday Dec. 9

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Important Items for This Week

Wednesday  Picture retakes todayt
Thursday -The Fifth Grade field trip  to the Arts Center of Oak Park to watch a play titled, A Rockin’ Tale of Snow White.
-We will depart at 9:00AM and return to school at 11:30AM on Thursday, November 17.  Students will bring a bag lunch.

Turkey Trot at 2pm

The following week has only two days of school.  It is a busy week though.  That Monday the 21st is the Social Studies test on states and capitals, and Tuesday will be the digestive system quiz as well as the PBIS Olympic Day Celebration.

The final science quiz on the nervous system/skin will be on Monday Dec. 5th, and the final test for Balicki Class will be on Wednesday December 7th., and Tresselt and Eng on Dec.8.  

1st trimester report cards go home on December 9.

It is hard to believe that 1/3 of the school year is over.  
There will be an Outdoor Ed Parent meeting the beginning of December. I will let you know the date as soon as it is finalized.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Google a Day Problem

We have started doing Google a Day problems.  This short activity will help students learn how to search a certain question.  I will post the daily question on my blog and website.  Here is a link to Google a Day if you're interested in searching for the answer yourself!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hats OFF For Cancer

Tomorrow, student will be allowed to wear hats in school if they give a donation amount of $1.50.  This activity is sponsored through the Irving Student Council. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cookie Dough Orders

Orders were due last week. If you have not returned yours, please get it back to school with your child asap. They will be needing to place the order this week.

Important Items for This Week

Tuesday Don't forget about the science quiz today!
Wednesday Field Trip Permission Slips are due.  If you did not receive a slip it is posted on both my web page and blog.

Friday there is NO School due to Veteran's Day.  Enjoy your day off!

Next week,  Nov. 16th is Picture Retake Day.  

Nov.17 is our Field Trip to the Art Center of Oak Park in the a.m. and in the afternoon is the Turkey Trot starting at 2p.m.

Nov. 21 is the Social Studies State/Capital Test

 Nov. 22 is the Digestive System Quiz for ALL 5th grade

Nov. 23 is NO School due to Institute Day followed by Thanksgiving Break 

FYI  I have the FINAL Human Body test scheduled for Dec. 7 and Dec. 8 for Tresselt and Eng.
Book Projects will be Due on Dec. 6th and books should be completed about the week before, so they have plenty of time to get their project done and organize their time.