Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Science homework is due tomorrow.  Students did not need to do the research part.  The first quiz is on Tuesday, Sept. 13th.  Please make sure your child studies for this quiz from their handouts and notes.

Open House is next week Thursday, Sept.15.  The fifth grade presentation begins at 8:00p.m.  in the computer lab.  Ms. Tresselt, Mr. Eng and I will be in our homerooms from 6:30 to 8 p.m. for the Open House part of the evening.  I will have a conference schedule sign up posted so you can sign up for a time that is best for you.

We have had a wonderful start to the new school year.  Thank you for having such wonderful children! 


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