Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Change in math homework

Tonight the math homework has been changed to 2 pages in the math journal.  Math boxes 1.2 and
page 13.  Studylink 1.5 will be given at a later date.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Art Message from Ms. Tague

4th and 5th Grade Sketchbook Assignment 2012/2013

  • Students are required to turn in one sketchbook drawing per week.
  • Mrs. Tague will give a drawing assignment each week during art class. Assignments will also be posted on the "Sketchbook" bulletin board in the art room and on
  • If a student is absent for an art class they are still responsible for the assigned drawing and must turn in 2 drawings the following week during art.
  • Mrs. Tague will check and grade the drawings during class each week.
  • Students report card grades each trimester are a combination of the student's sketchbook, class artwork and participation.
*NOTE: Students will be making their own sketchbooks in art, they will not need to purchase a sketchbook.
When is a drawing complete?
  • Did you fill the whole page with your drawing?
  • Did you take your time and do your best work?
  • Did you include details?
Drawing tips:
  • Spend at least 15 minutes on each drawing. Time yourself.
  • Draw the assignment you were given for the week.
  • Add lots of details.
  • Practice drawing techniques you’ve learned in art class.
  • Don't wait until the last minute before art class to finish your drawing!
Sketchbook Drawing Grades:
E = Excellent. The drawing was completed on time and very well done.  It is clear that the student spent a lot of time on the drawing and went beyond what was required.
S = Satisfactory. The drawings is completed on time. It is obvious that student put some time and thought into the drawing.
NI = Needs Improvement. The student did not complete the drawing on time. The drawing looks rushed, shows little effort. The drawing does not represent the student’s best work.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to School Party

Tomorrow, Friday, is our annual Back to School Party at Barrie Park.
It begins at 5:30pm, so come on out and help us celebrate the beginning
of a great school year!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Special Schedule

Monday-      Music
Tuesday-      Gym, Spanish, Library, Chorus
Wednesday- Music
Thursday-     Art
Friday-          Spanish

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays your child will be switching classes for Social Studies and Writing.  Ms.Tresselt will be teaching Social Studies and Mr. Eng will be teaching writing.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Welcome Back

School begins this Wednesday for students at 7:55am.  It is a full day of school, and we are ready for a GREAT school year!  This trimester I will be having a student teacher,
Mr. Politsch, he will begin with us on Wednesday.