Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Monday is Valentine's Day.  If students bring valentines to school they are to bring one for EACH student, and please have them include the 3 inclusion students in our room.  I told students on Friday they don't need to bring any extra candy or snacks.  If a piece of candy is on the valentine they are passing out, that is fine.  Instead of a party, students will be rotating among three stations in our classrooms.  Stations consist of decorating cupcakes and ice-cream,  making valentine cards for a nursing home, and playing a word game.

This Thursday is the first notecard check for the students' research papers.  It was brought to my attention that Ms. Payton's students were the only students that learned this method.  Ms. Tresselt will be going over how to use notecards on Tuesday.  I do still expect students to bring their cards on Thursday, divided into their subtopics according to their rough outlines.  Each separate stack should have a notecard on top stating the subtopic.  If your child is working with another student, they must have their OWN set of notecards to write their OWN research paper.

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