Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Due to the beautiful weather, sunny skies, and candy to attain, Book Reports will be due Tuesday instead of tomorrow.

There are a few Halloween pictures on the blog if you take a peek.

There is NO SCHOOL on Friday!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Students are to wear their costumes in the afternoon. They will be changing after lunch, before the parade. Below is the agenda for tomorrow afternoon. Just a reminder that your child's book report is due on Monday November 1.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Celebration and Schedule

12:00-12:40- Time to change into costume

12:40-1:30- Parade - Out front door of school, once around the block and playground, parade into the building and directly to the gym.

1:30-2:15- Performance in the gym.

2:15-2:55- Classroom Celebrations

Plan B (Rain Plan): Classes line up per instructions and sit in the hallway.
Line up as follows:
Kindergarten Music room hallway
First Grade Art room hallway
Second Grade Second grade hallway
Third Grade Second floor hallway
Fourth and Fifth Third floor hallway

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Check my blog for the Halloween schedule for next week!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Science Quiz

There is a quiz scheduled for Monday, Oct. 25th on the Respiratory system with review questions from previous quizzes. There are two more quizzes , and then the final test. Just a reminder that there are science concepts on my blog, and a copy of the quizzes that the students have taken.

Unit 3 math goals have been updated , take a look to see what your child will be learning in this unit.

Remember that Thursday and Friday of this week are 1/2 days. Students will be getting out at 11:00 a.m.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Tomorrow is picture day. Last chance to return money if you are planning to purchase fall pictures.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Picture Day

Picture package pricing went home on Tuesday. Fall pictures are prepay before the pictures are taken. Pictures will be taken on Tuesday, Oct. 19th. If you did not receive the pricing, please tell your child to ask for another handout.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spanish Project

Just a reminder that your child's Spanish Scavenger Hunt is due this coming Monday! If you need another copy of this assignment, it is posted on my blog.

Science quiz on the circulatory system is this Friday.

Conferences are next week. I will be emailing a copy of the conference times this week. If for any reason you cannot open the attachment, there is a copy up on my blog.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Social Studies Project Due

Your child's social studies project is due tomorrow. I don't know any details on this project, just heard a few students talking at the end of the day. If you have any questions you will have to direct those to Mr. Eng.

I have the updated conference schedule posted on my blog. If you want to double check your time you will find a copy. If anything changes for you, please email as soon as possible to reschedule.

Just a heads up, students will have their next science quiz, next Friday. We will start the circulatory system tomorrow.