Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

This Week......

This week is a busy week.  Last week Ms. Bel-Bey could not do her diversity talk so it will take place Monday, and we will not switch classes after math. 
Tuesday your child will take Fall pictures.  Order forms need to be turned in by Tuesday as well.  
Wednesday is Walk to School Day and if your child takes the bus they will have the opportunity to walk during lunch so that they may color in their shoe.  I had posted that the Fun Run is Wednesday but I made an error.  Students should still be working on their fund raising for their Run.
Thursday is the Muscular System Quiz.  Also book projects are due and your child will present their project to the class. New books will go home on Friday.
Friday we will again have a Spirit Day for our class.  Students have chosen to change places with another classmate for the day.  They will dress similar to that person and sit in that person's desk for the day.

Ms. Noonan gave each student their Technology Contract.  If your child has not returned this, please make sure you go over the contract with him/her, sign it, and return asap.

The conference schedule is now posted.  If for any reason you need to change your time, please let me know asap.

Next Monday there is no school.  Columbus Day

Monday  Talk on Diversity

                   Treasures Work due for Maya Linn

                   Reading Reflection Log Due

Tuesday  Picture Day     *Order forms are due by today

            Library Books Due/Tech contracts


Wednesday  Walk to School Day

Thursday     Science Quiz on Muscular System

                        Book Project Presentations

                        Art Homework Due

 Friday    Change Places Spirit Day   PBIS classroom award                                                             Spelling Test
                       Spelling Homework Due

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ms. Noonan's library homework is due tomorrow.  Please remind your child to bring their scavenger hunt to school tomorrow. 
Science quizzes went home today.  Scores lower than a 3 need to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned .
My math students also need to return their unit 1 progress slip signed as well.  It was stapled to the top of the test that was brought home last week.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekly Update

If your child has me for math, their first math test went home last week.  Stapled to the front was the Unit 1 Progress sheet that needs to be signed by you  and returned to school.

Tomorrow I will be handing back the second science quiz and this should be coming home for you to look at.  If  your child receives a 1 or 2, I do require a signature on the quiz.  We also go over every answer in class and each student is to correct their quiz with the correct answer.  If for some reason it does not get corrected, the two quizzes are up on my blog and web page with the answers.

Monday afternoon we will not be switching classes.  Ms. Bell-Bey will be talking about diversity to the 5th grade.

There is an informational meeting during lunch recess this Monday for those interested in the reading Olympics.

On Thursday your child has art sketch homework due.  They also have a Social Studies Test on Chapter 1.  Novels for book groups should be completed by this coming weekend and students should then begin their book project due Oct.4.

Fall Picture Day is Oct 2

Monday    Reading Olympic Meeting during Lunch recess
                          Reading Reflection Logs Due
                          Diversity Talk in p.m.
Tuesday     Library Homework Due
Wednesday   Social Studies Test on Chapter 1

Thursday   Book Discussion Groups
                            Art sketch homework Due

Friday          Spelling Test/ homework due
                            Irving Pacers During Lunch Recess
                            Treasures Assessment for Maya Linn/
                            Contract Work Due by Monday

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homework assignment from Ms. Noonan

 This went home today
Dear 4th and 5th Grade Families,

This week I went over how to access and use our online library catalog (  As I promised the kids, I am sending home a scavenger hunt that will help them practice these skills.  Just in case it gets lost on the way home, I am attaching it with this email.  It is homework and is due next week on your child's library day.
Lara/Sakellaris:  Thursday 9/27
Payton:  Monday 9/24
Williams:  Friday 9/28
Balicki:  Tuesday 9/25
Eng:  Friday 9/28
Tresselt:  Monday 9/24

If you do not have access to the Internet, please do not worry.  Just send me a note and I will go over it with your child here at school. My goal in sending it home is to introduce you to our catalog as well!  This would be a wonderful time to go through the scavenger hunt with your child and help him or her find books that are a good fit!
If you have any questions at all, please respond to me at my email -

Thank you!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Error on Science Quiz Date

This weekend I posted the Science Quiz for next Monday, it is actually this Friday for my class. Mr. Eng and Ms. Tresselt's class will take the quiz this Thursday. I am sorry for any confusion.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

This Week

Again I want to thank all of you that made it out to Open House on the evening of the Bears/Packer game.  Our class had 81% attendance and have won a prize, whatever that may be this year. 

On Thursday your child's first science quiz went home.  You should have seen it by now.  If your child did not receive a 3 on this quiz, please sign it so I know that you have looked it over.  The next quiz is scheduled for Monday Sept.24 , and that is on Cell Structure.

Please check with your child to make sure that their novel reading is up to date.  A few students were not on the required page last Thursday and had to miss out on their group's discussion.

Monday     Balicki Math Test
                          Reading Reflection Logs Due
                          Treasures work for first story due

Tuesday      Last Tuesday for "try it" Chorus

Thursday   Book Discussion Groups

Friday          Spelling Test/ homework due

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Change in math homework

Last night I had to flip flop Wed. and Thurs. evening homework.  So last night students did math boxes and tonight they should be working on Studylink Packet 1.9.

Also, just a reminder that tomorrow is Open House starting at 6:30.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

This Week

Tomorrow is your child's first science quiz.  Please make sure they study for this quiz.  It will include the 21 bones they have learned, the purpose of the skeletal system (they learned 3), different types of joints, (they learned 4), where blood is made, and the total number of bones in an adult skeleton.

Thursday evening is Open House beginning at 6:30pm.  I will go over classroom information starting at 7:45pm and then we will move to the Computer Lab at 8pm for the 5th grade presentation.

This Week

Monday  Reading Reflection Logs Due
                       Science Quiz on the Skeletal System
                       Spelling Pretest will be given and homework pages will be due Friday
Tuesday    Chorus begins for those that are interested.
Thursday  Book Discussion Groups.  Students should be on the required page.
                          Open House  6:30pm-8:30pm

Friday        Spelling test for Lesson1-2 today,  Homework Due
                        Treasures work for "Goin Someplace Special"  is Due
                        Assessment today for Treasure's first story
                        Math Unit 1 Assessment is Monday
                        Reading Reflection logs Due Monday

Monday, September 3, 2012

Off to a GREAT Start

We are off to a great start in our classroom.  It has been a pleasure to get to know your children.  I have a super class and I know we will achieve great things this year!

With another week of extreme heat, please make sure your child is bringing a water bottle to stay hydrated, is putting on their deodorant in the a.m., and dressing appropriately. It gets very hot in our classroom, especially in the afternoons.  Please make sure your child gets a good night's rest.

Just a few reminders for this year:
                  - Our classroom is peanut free
                  - Please do not send any food items for Birthday Treats per Mr. Hodge's letter
                  - Open House is Sept.13th.  5th grade will begin their presentation at 8pm.
                  - If your child needs a recorder the cost is $6.
                  - First Science Quiz will be Monday Sept. 10th. Please make sure your child studies for
                     this quiz.

This Week
Tuesday    MAP Testing for Math in the a.m.
                        Reading Reflection Logs Due
                        Book Discussion books will be given out
                        Spelling Pretest will be given and homework pages will be due Friday

Thursday MAP Testing for Reading in the p.m.
                        Art Sketches are Due
                        First Book Discussion Groups.  Students should be on required page

Friday        Spelling test for Lesson1-1 today,  Homework Due
                        Reading Reflection logs Due Monday
                        Science Quiz on Skeletal System is Monday