You can place your picture order online!
Go to
Enter the code581132. It will then bring up Irving's information, and you can place your order. Cool, huh?
Reading Olympics Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!
Friday, September 30, 2011
World Language Program
For 2011-2012, the World Language Program has expanded its offerings to include Japanese, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Mandarin and Spanish. Classes will initially be offered for Kindergarten to 4th grades (exceptions will be make for 5th graders that are really willing to take a class). Classes will run for 1 hour every week.
An Application link can be found on the digital backpack.
I NOW have a link off my webpage to the digital backpack!
An Application link can be found on the digital backpack.
I NOW have a link off my webpage to the digital backpack!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Correction on Picture Date
Fall School Pictures are on Tuesday October 4th.
Walk to School Day is on Wednesday October 5th.
Sorry for any confusion on my last blog!
Walk to School Day is on Wednesday October 5th.
Sorry for any confusion on my last blog!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Fall Picture information went home yesterday. Fall pictures require you to pay before the pictures are taken. This year our school is using a different company, so don't look for the old picture form. Pictures will be taken on Tuesday, Oct 5th.
Please make sure your child is working on their Spanish scavenger hunt. October 12 is right around the corner.
ISAT and Fall MAP scores will be coming home tomorrow!!!! They will be in a large manila envelope. If you have any questions , Please let me know. I plan on discussing the results at conferences, but if you can't wait, just let me know.
Please make sure your child is working on their Spanish scavenger hunt. October 12 is right around the corner.
ISAT and Fall MAP scores will be coming home tomorrow!!!! They will be in a large manila envelope. If you have any questions , Please let me know. I plan on discussing the results at conferences, but if you can't wait, just let me know.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Few important Items
My math class homework is flip flopped with Tuesdays homework. Tonight are mathboxes and tomorrow night will be studylink 2.4.
There has been a change in progress report dates. They are not going home this Friday, but will be going home next Friday Oct.7 instead.
Science quiz on Wednesday!
Just a reminder that our classroom is peanut free.
There has been a change in progress report dates. They are not going home this Friday, but will be going home next Friday Oct.7 instead.
Science quiz on Wednesday!
Just a reminder that our classroom is peanut free.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
This week
New spelling packets will be coming home on Monday. I am offering Extra Credit spelling on both Wednesday evenings. The packet will be due Thursday Oct 6th, and the test will be on Oct. 7.
The science quiz on cells will be this Wednesday. Please make sure they also study the bone quiz. On my blog is a science vocabulary site that they may use to study too. They will need to sign up for an account and the password to get onto the science page is......................I will email it to you.
Monday, tomorrow, Mr. Eng's writing homework is DUE as well as Book Projects. Students will receive their new novel this week.
Math Tests will be coming home tomorrow for my math students. Please sign the top goal page and have your child return it to me. They will earn tickets for returning it promptly.
We have earned over 80 eagle wings this year so far!!!! We are soaring above all the other classes. What a great class!!!
The science quiz on cells will be this Wednesday. Please make sure they also study the bone quiz. On my blog is a science vocabulary site that they may use to study too. They will need to sign up for an account and the password to get onto the science page is......................I will email it to you.
Monday, tomorrow, Mr. Eng's writing homework is DUE as well as Book Projects. Students will receive their new novel this week.
Math Tests will be coming home tomorrow for my math students. Please sign the top goal page and have your child return it to me. They will earn tickets for returning it promptly.
We have earned over 80 eagle wings this year so far!!!! We are soaring above all the other classes. What a great class!!!
Google Docs
Each student this year will have a google docs account through the district. This is not an email account.
They may type documents, save them, and share them with others, including teachers! They can reach the log on page through the district homepage under the student tab.
They may type documents, save them, and share them with others, including teachers! They can reach the log on page through the district homepage under the student tab.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Spelling and Science
Just a reminder that today is the day to do extra credit spelling homework. Packets are due tomorrow, and the test for these words will be given as well.
There is another science quiz next Wednesday. It will be on cells, a few review questions of the skeletal system, and the labeling of some bones. We finished up the information today and will spend the next two class periods doing activities in the handout and finding pictures of cells on the Internet.
There is another science quiz next Wednesday. It will be on cells, a few review questions of the skeletal system, and the labeling of some bones. We finished up the information today and will spend the next two class periods doing activities in the handout and finding pictures of cells on the Internet.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Writing Assignment
Writing: Students are writing a small piece for the Fire Prevention Contest. They will write an essay of 25-50 words on the theme: "Why is it important to install and test smoke detectors". This is due on Monday, September 26.
After your child logs into their Treasure's account have them click the "See More" link. This is the section that they can explore more in depth.
I also just posted a copy of the Spanish Scavenger Hunt that must be completed by Oct. 12th. This assignment was given last week to your child. Check my blog if you have not seen this assignment.
There is Writing Homework that is due on Monday for Mr. Eng. I don't know the details of this assignment, so you will need to check with your child.
I also just posted a copy of the Spanish Scavenger Hunt that must be completed by Oct. 12th. This assignment was given last week to your child. Check my blog if you have not seen this assignment.
There is Writing Homework that is due on Monday for Mr. Eng. I don't know the details of this assignment, so you will need to check with your child.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Just a Few Items.....
Just a reminder, my math students will be taking the Unit 1 test tomorrow.
Spelling packets are due on Thursday, and I will also give the spelling test that day as well. The spelling pretest for the next lesson will be given on Friday and homework will go home on Monday. I am offering extra credit spelling homework for Wednesday evening. Students who write each word 5x each will earn a raffle ticket, and 10x each , 2 tickets. This extra credit should be done neatly on loose leaf paper.
I emailed each of you the Treasure's Login link and your child's personal information to log on. As I become more familiar with the site as well, I might assign extra credit homework online. Please let your child explore this site, as I will be talking with them about their likes and dislikes to get a feel of who would actually like to use it as a learning tool.
The conference schedule was emailed to you. It is also up on my blog as well as my web site. That means there is no reason for you to miss your conference or run late! ( LOL just kidding, a little Balicki humor there.) If anything changes in your life between now and Oct 17, just let me know so we can reschedule. I will resend the schedule to each of you the week before conferences to remind you of your date and time.
Book Projects and a 1/2 page summary are due next week Monday. Novels should be completed already or by midweek. Please make sure your child does not wait until the weekend to begin their project work. If I feel they "threw" something together Sunday evening, I will have them redo their project. The summary can be typed or written neatly on loose leaf paper.
Spelling packets are due on Thursday, and I will also give the spelling test that day as well. The spelling pretest for the next lesson will be given on Friday and homework will go home on Monday. I am offering extra credit spelling homework for Wednesday evening. Students who write each word 5x each will earn a raffle ticket, and 10x each , 2 tickets. This extra credit should be done neatly on loose leaf paper.
I emailed each of you the Treasure's Login link and your child's personal information to log on. As I become more familiar with the site as well, I might assign extra credit homework online. Please let your child explore this site, as I will be talking with them about their likes and dislikes to get a feel of who would actually like to use it as a learning tool.
The conference schedule was emailed to you. It is also up on my blog as well as my web site. That means there is no reason for you to miss your conference or run late! ( LOL just kidding, a little Balicki humor there.) If anything changes in your life between now and Oct 17, just let me know so we can reschedule. I will resend the schedule to each of you the week before conferences to remind you of your date and time.
Book Projects and a 1/2 page summary are due next week Monday. Novels should be completed already or by midweek. Please make sure your child does not wait until the weekend to begin their project work. If I feel they "threw" something together Sunday evening, I will have them redo their project. The summary can be typed or written neatly on loose leaf paper.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Science Quiz
Science Quizzes are coming home today. If your child received a score less than a 3, it needs to be signed by a parent and returned tomorrow. Quizzes should be kept in their science folders because now they will be used as a study guide for future quizzes.
Open House is tonight!!! I am looking forwarding to meeting each of you tonight.
Open House is tonight!!! I am looking forwarding to meeting each of you tonight.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Grading Scale
Grading Scale
4- Exceeds Grade Level Expectations
3- Meets Grade Level Expectations
2- Below Grade Level Expectations
1- Academic Warning
Please Note: Receiving a 100% correct on an assignment does not constitute a "4". However, a "4" is possible on some assignments in which students can put more effort into the assignment . For example: Book Projects, Book Reports, Science Lab write ups in Trimester 2 and 3.
Tuesday is the first Science Quiz on the skeletal system.
If your child is in my math class, the Unit 1 Test will be next Monday, Sept. 19. Unit 2 learning goals will be posted soon on my blog.
Open House is this Thursday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. My agenda was emailed to each of you.
Band and Orchestra instrument lessons begin this week. Students received their schedules for their lesson times.
If your child is in my math class, the Unit 1 Test will be next Monday, Sept. 19. Unit 2 learning goals will be posted soon on my blog.
Open House is this Thursday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. My agenda was emailed to each of you.
Band and Orchestra instrument lessons begin this week. Students received their schedules for their lesson times.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
MAP Testing
MAP testing is completed for this trimester. Once again if you would like a copy of the scores earlier than your first conference, just let me know. I will email you a copy to look over before we meet during conference week. If you would like a paper copy, just let me know as well. Happy Weekend!
Science homework is due tomorrow. Students did not need to do the research part. The first quiz is on Tuesday, Sept. 13th. Please make sure your child studies for this quiz from their handouts and notes.
Open House is next week Thursday, Sept.15. The fifth grade presentation begins at 8:00p.m. in the computer lab. Ms. Tresselt, Mr. Eng and I will be in our homerooms from 6:30 to 8 p.m. for the Open House part of the evening. I will have a conference schedule sign up posted so you can sign up for a time that is best for you.
We have had a wonderful start to the new school year. Thank you for having such wonderful children!
Open House is next week Thursday, Sept.15. The fifth grade presentation begins at 8:00p.m. in the computer lab. Ms. Tresselt, Mr. Eng and I will be in our homerooms from 6:30 to 8 p.m. for the Open House part of the evening. I will have a conference schedule sign up posted so you can sign up for a time that is best for you.
We have had a wonderful start to the new school year. Thank you for having such wonderful children!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Reading Reflection Logs
Please remind your child that their logs are due tomorrow. Once again on the top sheet it says Friday, but I want it turned in on Mondays. All 5th graders use the same log.
If all goes according to plan the first science quiz will be Sept. 13th. It will be on the skeletal system. Students should study their notes, the handouts, and know the placement of the bones that we went and will be going over in class. On my blog there is a link to science concepts to help you know what is important.
Just a reminder that Curriculum Night is Thursday Sept. 15. from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
If all goes according to plan the first science quiz will be Sept. 13th. It will be on the skeletal system. Students should study their notes, the handouts, and know the placement of the bones that we went and will be going over in class. On my blog there is a link to science concepts to help you know what is important.
Just a reminder that Curriculum Night is Thursday Sept. 15. from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
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