Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Test tomorrow

  Just a quick reminder!  Mr. Eng's Social Studies test is tomorrow.

Science Quiz on Swingers is on Friday.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


There will be a science quiz on our first investigation "swingers" on Friday.

Social Studies TEST on Chapter 2 is Thursday!

Please join us on Thursday for the Holiday sing!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Social Studies Test

Mr. Eng informed me that there is a Social Studies test on Thursday.  Please make sure your child studies for this test.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Report Cards

Report Cards went home with your child today.  Math Tests for Unit 4 also went home today for my math students.  Envelopes and progress reports for math should be signed and returned on Monday.

Holiday Concert times for next week are as follows 

Another concert on Thursday , December 16th was added to accommodate the three grades and their families. 

The concert dates and times this year are:

Wednesday, December 15th: 2 and 3rd grade: 8:30 am
Thursday, December 16th: 1st, 4th and 5th grade: 8:15 am and 9:45 am

Friday, December 17th: Kindergarten: 1:30 pm

Concerts on Thursday  are identical except for students playing instrumental parts.  Check with your child to see which time they are playing their instrument.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The Outdoor Education Overnight Trip information meeting is tomorrow in the auditorium at 6:30 p.m.
Please join us as it will answer many of your questions and concerns.

The new science unit  is now available on my blog.  It will be updated as new investigations are taught.

Report Cards go home on Friday.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monthly Book Projects

Projects are due tomorrow, Dec 1.  With the project should be a half page summary.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monthly Book Projects

Just a reminder that your child's novel for this month must be completely read by this weekend.  A book PROJECT and  summary are due Wednesday December 1st.  If your child read Flush this month, they have until Friday.

1st Trimester Ends today and report cards will be going home Dec. 10.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Parent Meeting

There will be a Parent Information Meeting on December 6th at 6:30pm.  The meeting will take place in the Irving School Auditorium.  For more information click on this link.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey Trot

Tomorrow afternoon is the annual Turkey Trot. If your child is planning on participating, please make sure they dress appropriately for this activity and the weather.

Final Science Test is Monday........Study, study, study!

Also a reminder that there is school only on Monday and Tuesday next week.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Art Sketchbooks

FYI: The student's sketchbooks are due next week. They can turn them in the day they have art. Please help remind them they need to have their drawings done. If they have art on Tuesday, they should have 10 drawings.

This is a major part of their report card grade.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Outdoor Ed Parent Meeting

I just wanted to give you a heads up that Dec. 6th is the date we are shooting for to hold the Parent Meeting for the Outdoor Ed trip to Indiana Dunes Learning Center. It will be in the evening, so hold that date.   Details will be coming home soon.

Information on the Norovirus from our School Nurse

As I am sure everyone is aware, there has been a lot of media attention given to the first outbreak of the season. In response, I thought i would give Irving staff some details regarding the virus and steps to take to prevent or limit transmission.

According the the Cook County Department of Public Health , Norovirus is a virus that can produce gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea , stomach cramping and low grade fever. The CCDPH has 25 clusters of reported GI illnesses in the schools  throughout  suburban Cook County. Only one of these clusters has been confirmed Norovirus, the other 24 clusters  are clinically consistent with infections caused by Norovirus. Norovirus can survive on surfaces for up to 12 days. The onset of symptoms is usually 12-48 hours from exposure and the illness can last for 24-60 hours. The virus is highly contagious because of its hardiness and prolonged incubation period. Also, people infected with Norovirus may shed the virus for up to 3 days after symptoms have resolved.

If your child is sick please keep him/her home.  THe CCDPH  recommends staying home a full 24 hours after symptoms resolve.

Jamie Peterson-Strokosch,RN, BSN
School Nurse for Washington Irving Elementary School
Oak Park School District 97

Message from Room Parents

The PTO is still in need of volunteers for several important roles. 
The February Silent Auction at the Fun Fair needs a new chair ASAP.  Many stores and businesses require a 60-90 day advance request/notice, so this is time sensitive.  As most of you know, the Fun Fair is our big fundraiser, so the Silent Auction is an important part.

Upcoming much sooner is the Cookie Crumble, an annual holiday tradition.  Sara Araiza ( is chair and is seeking committee members as well as volunteers and participants. 
Hard to believe when judging by today, but soon the weather may become too prohibitive (below 20F) for the kids to recess outside.  We will have indoor activities as options to the auditorium-movie thing.  On any given day, three to four volunteers will be needed to assist the teachers who monitor recess.  It is but a one hour commitment.  Last year we had an elaborate schedule of willing stand-bys, but parents were needed only 4 or 5 days, as I vaguely recall. Please contact Mariannell at if you are interested and able to help.
If you have questions about any of the above listed positions, please attend the PTO meeting tonight or contact Mariannell.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


A virus has been going around school.  If your child is sick or complains of :
general malaise
stomach ache
decreased appetite

Please keep him/her home, thanks.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Science Test

The final Science Test for the Human Body Unit is scheduled for November 22.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Books

Just in case you have not seen a new book for the month of November, they went home last week. Page requirements are on my blog as well as the new Homework page for Monday.

A BOOK PROJECT and summary is due for this book on December 1. The project your child chooses must be different than their Sept. choice.


Monday is the quiz on the digestive system/teeth. We will be going over the Nervous System/Skin this week. The quiz for that will be the week of Nov. 15 with the Final TEST being on
Monday Nov. 22.

The trimester ends Nov. 23 and report cards will be going home on December 10th.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Due to the beautiful weather, sunny skies, and candy to attain, Book Reports will be due Tuesday instead of tomorrow.

There are a few Halloween pictures on the blog if you take a peek.

There is NO SCHOOL on Friday!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Students are to wear their costumes in the afternoon. They will be changing after lunch, before the parade. Below is the agenda for tomorrow afternoon. Just a reminder that your child's book report is due on Monday November 1.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Celebration and Schedule

12:00-12:40- Time to change into costume

12:40-1:30- Parade - Out front door of school, once around the block and playground, parade into the building and directly to the gym.

1:30-2:15- Performance in the gym.

2:15-2:55- Classroom Celebrations

Plan B (Rain Plan): Classes line up per instructions and sit in the hallway.
Line up as follows:
Kindergarten Music room hallway
First Grade Art room hallway
Second Grade Second grade hallway
Third Grade Second floor hallway
Fourth and Fifth Third floor hallway

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Check my blog for the Halloween schedule for next week!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Science Quiz

There is a quiz scheduled for Monday, Oct. 25th on the Respiratory system with review questions from previous quizzes. There are two more quizzes , and then the final test. Just a reminder that there are science concepts on my blog, and a copy of the quizzes that the students have taken.

Unit 3 math goals have been updated , take a look to see what your child will be learning in this unit.

Remember that Thursday and Friday of this week are 1/2 days. Students will be getting out at 11:00 a.m.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Tomorrow is picture day. Last chance to return money if you are planning to purchase fall pictures.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Picture Day

Picture package pricing went home on Tuesday. Fall pictures are prepay before the pictures are taken. Pictures will be taken on Tuesday, Oct. 19th. If you did not receive the pricing, please tell your child to ask for another handout.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spanish Project

Just a reminder that your child's Spanish Scavenger Hunt is due this coming Monday! If you need another copy of this assignment, it is posted on my blog.

Science quiz on the circulatory system is this Friday.

Conferences are next week. I will be emailing a copy of the conference times this week. If for any reason you cannot open the attachment, there is a copy up on my blog.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Social Studies Project Due

Your child's social studies project is due tomorrow. I don't know any details on this project, just heard a few students talking at the end of the day. If you have any questions you will have to direct those to Mr. Eng.

I have the updated conference schedule posted on my blog. If you want to double check your time you will find a copy. If anything changes for you, please email as soon as possible to reschedule.

Just a heads up, students will have their next science quiz, next Friday. We will start the circulatory system tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We will be having the quiz on the muscular system on Friday as planned. It will also include a few review questions on the skeletal system, cell structure, and 6 more bones to identify. Please make sure your child is studying for this quiz.

Just a reminder that Book Projects and a 1/2 page summary are due on Friday. Also, progress reports will be going home on Friday.

Thank you to all that replied regarding Digital Backpack.

Can you believe Friday is October 1st???

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday Packet

The school would like to know if you would like the Tuesday Packet in PAPER or DIGITAL BACKPACK. If you can email me your reply ASAP, that would be great.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This Week

This Friday Progress Reports will be coming home. I will attach your child's MAP math test scores to it.

Book Projects and a 1/2 page summary are due on Friday Oct 1st.

A science quiz on the muscular system is scheduled for this Friday if we get through all the material by Wednesday. If we do not complete this system by Wednesday, the quiz will be moved to Monday. I will keep you updated on our progress, but please make sure your child is studying through out this week.

Happy Fall! The Cool Weather is here. Yahoo!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Math Unit 1 Assessments

If your child has me for math, they should be bringing home their first test for you to look over. You need to sign the top sheet which is the Profile of Progress and have your child return it by Friday.

Just a quick reminder that Reflection Logs are due on MONDAYS, and Spelling Packets are due on FRIDAYS. Ms. Tresselt's class have different due dates , and I'm sorry for any confusion. The kids wanted me to blog because of the different dates typed on the forms.

Monday, September 20, 2010

MAP Results

I am sending home your child's reading MAP results today. There is no comparison graph because this is the first test.

I also have changed my math homework assignment for today. Students are to complete math boxes for 2.1. Tomorrow's homework will be studylink 2.1. Sorry for any inconvenience, we did not get to finish the lesson today.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

MAP Assessment

The reading MAP Assessment was taken on Friday. I have figured out how to find individual reports for each student. I will print them out on Monday and send a copy home. We can discuss them and compare them to ISAT scores at conferences. As you know MAP is new, and as I learn more about the system I will pass that on to you.

We will be taking the Math section next week Friday. Please encourage your child to do well, as this is done on the computer and some students think this type of test is multiple guess. I encourage all students to work out each problem on paper before they choose an answer unless of course it is a simple fact or a problem that does not need any computation.

Any questions, please let me know.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tresselt Writing Project

Final copies are due TOMORROW!!!!

Spanish Project

Students received a project in Spanish today that is Due Oct.18. Here is the link with the details that are included in this project. There is also a link on my blog for future reference.

Spanish Project

Friday, September 10, 2010

ISAT scores

ISAT scores will be coming home today. Please ask your child for them, or look for a large white envelope in which it is enclosed. If you have any questions regarding the results, we can discuss them at conferences the week of Oct. 18th.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Writing Project Deadline Dates

Tresselt Writing Project




Aug 31

BEGIN Pre-Writing

Sept 2

Finish Pre-Writing

BEGIN First Draft

Sept 6


Sept 7

Continue First Draft

Sept 9

Finish First Draft

BEGIN Proofreading and Editing

Sept 13


Assemble your BOOK!

Sept 14

Book MUST be finished, assembled, and ready to turn in

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Book Discussion Books for September

Your child received their book for the month of September yesterday. Please check with your child which book they are reading this month. Here are the page numbers that each book should be read up to by Tuesday, September 7th.

Flush pg.70
Chicken Boy pg. 56
Loser pg. 56
Gilly Hopkins pg. 42
Janitor's Boy pg. 42

Monday, August 30, 2010

Art Sketchbooks

This is an assignment from Ms. Linne that she asked me to share with you. I am posting it and you can also find a copy of it on my blog under Special Assignments if you ever need to recheck it for clarification.

4th and 5th Grade Sketchbook Assignment 2010/2011

  • You are required to turn in one sketchbook drawing per week. Ms. Linne will check each your drawing as you walk into the art room, so your sketchbook should be open and ready.

  • Sometimes Ms. Linne will assign a specific thing to draw, other times you will get to choose what you draw.

  • Drawings need to be marked with the date they were drawn.

  • If there is a week you are absent or your class does not come to art (due to no school or a field trip), you must turn in 2 drawings the following week.

  • You can draw more than one drawing per week but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to draw anything the next week. The goal is to draw a little each week outside of the art room.


When is a drawing complete?

· Did you fill the whole page with your drawing?

· Did you take your time and do your best work?

· Did you include details?

Drawing tips:

· Spend at least 15 minutes on each drawing. Time yourself.

· Add lots of details.

· Look at things around you and draw what you see.

· Draw things you like, things that look interesting to you.

· Use your imagination, invent things.

· Practice drawing techniques you’ve learned in art class.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Students were asked to bring their recorders back to school for their music class. If your child cannot locate their recorder he/she may purchase one from Ms. Tarabis for $5.00.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Great Morning

We had a great start to the new year. Tomorrow starts a full day . There is a change in the Wednesday schedule. We will be eating lunch at 11:00 and our afternoon will be only 2 hours long.

Your child's special schedule is as follows:

Monday Spanish
Tuesday Art
Wednesday Music
Thursday Music and Gym
Friday Spanish, Character Ed

Your child will be switching classes starting this Thursday afternoon. Ms Tresselt will be teaching writing, and Mr. Eng will be teaching Social Studies. We will be switching on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday afternoons.

I will be sending duplicate blog updates as I don't have all parents emails .Thank you for your time and patience during this time.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cell Phones at School

If your child needs at cell phone at school, there are a few things you should know:

1. You must have a written note turned into the office of your request.

2. The cell phone must be turned OFF during school hours and stored either in:
a. the student's backpack in their locker
b. my desk drawer

3. Students are not to have their cell phones throughout the day. If you need to contact your child you can either call the office, send me an email, or if you would like, I can give you my cell phone number for extreme emergencies.

Thank you for your adhering to this school policy.

10 Educational Ownership Topics to Discuss With Your Child

1. How can you help your teacher succeed?
2. How can these five words (yes, I can and I will) help you in school and in life?
3. Discuss how goals setting can help you succeed in the classroom.
4. How do you define success and what elements are needed to achieve it?
5. How can you stay focused and positive?
6. How can these six words (no, can't, won't, never, if and maybe) hold you back from reaching your full potential?
7. Why is helping others so important to your success?
8. How do you measure your progress toward reaching your goals?
9. Identify five potential roadblocks to your success in school activities.
10. Why is life long learning so important?