Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Information on the Norovirus from our School Nurse

As I am sure everyone is aware, there has been a lot of media attention given to the first outbreak of the season. In response, I thought i would give Irving staff some details regarding the virus and steps to take to prevent or limit transmission.

According the the Cook County Department of Public Health , Norovirus is a virus that can produce gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea , stomach cramping and low grade fever. The CCDPH has 25 clusters of reported GI illnesses in the schools  throughout  suburban Cook County. Only one of these clusters has been confirmed Norovirus, the other 24 clusters  are clinically consistent with infections caused by Norovirus. Norovirus can survive on surfaces for up to 12 days. The onset of symptoms is usually 12-48 hours from exposure and the illness can last for 24-60 hours. The virus is highly contagious because of its hardiness and prolonged incubation period. Also, people infected with Norovirus may shed the virus for up to 3 days after symptoms have resolved.

If your child is sick please keep him/her home.  THe CCDPH  recommends staying home a full 24 hours after symptoms resolve.

Jamie Peterson-Strokosch,RN, BSN
School Nurse for Washington Irving Elementary School
Oak Park School District 97

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