Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hope you enjoyed your weekend.  I was busy sucking up and mulching leaves this weekend.  There are a few things I want to bring to your attention for this week.

First, tomorrow please make sure your child brings what they have written for their Biography Research Paper.

Secondly, on Wednesday there is the Social Studies Memorization  Challenge.  50 states and 50 capital cities.

Lastly, please make sure that your child brings their Bud Not Buddy book and Reading Notebook daily to school.  They should be reading nightly their 12 pages and answering the questions for the chapter that the quiz will be on the next day.  I sent each of you a schedule  for these readings and quizzes in your weekly update email.  

My math students will be having a Chapter 3 assessment on Wednesday.  NEXT Tuesday students will have a quiz on the Respiratory System.  Please make sure they are studying old material as well as the new material.

This Friday is the end of the 1st trimester!  Reports will be coming home December 6.

Have a great week!

Monday   No school
Tuesday   Reflection Log Due
Bring what you have written "Biography Research Paper"
Wednesday S.S State Challenge
 Thursday  Art Sketch DUE  "A Toy a Kindergartner Would Like to play with"
                         Book Discussions
Friday  Spelling Due/Test

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