Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Week

New novels went home on Friday except for the Milkweek Novel. Students reading Milkweed will get their book on Monday.   The pages that are to be read for Tuesday's Book Discussions are as follows:

Tangerine  pg.44
Frozen Stiff  pg. 24
Blood on the River   pg.36
Week in the Woods  pg.24
Milkweed    pg.9

Please discuss these page readings with your child, as they left on Friday with only an estimate of pages.  A Book Project AND 1/2 page summary will be due on February 21st.

We had a 5th grade meeting on Thursday about the Outdoor Ed. trip. Students were given a list of items to make sure they bring on this trip and were told what NOT to bring on this trip.  Please support the Learning Center Policies which do not allow students to bring:
Cell Phones
Food, Candy or Gum   (This is strictly enforced due to critters!)
ANY Hand Held Electronics 
ANY Ipod, Music or Headphones 

Conferences are in two weeks.  Conference Schedules are posted on my web page.

Monday    Academic Research Outlines are Due 
Tuesday    Reading MAP testing in a.m.
Wed          Xtra Credit Spelling 
Friday      Progress Reports go home
                 Treasure Contract for Robots are Wild Due 


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Information for the Week

Book orders for the Christopher Paul Curtis novel are due Tuesday.    
If you did not return your child's health form for the Outdoor Ed trip, it must be returned by Wed.  
There is a science quiz on Swingers this Friday.  Lab books will be going home on Tuesday , please make sure your child does not lose this book.  It must be returned to school on Friday, a part of the quiz is in their lab book.
I will be having evening conferences on Jan.31 and Feb.2.  I will be sending an email soon for your 3 choices of times.

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Math MAP testing today in A.M.
                       Christopher Paul Curtis Orders DUE

Wednesday: Xtra Credit spelling night
                              Health Forms DUE
                              Book Buddies in P.M.

Thursday:Spelling Test and Spelling Packets Due 


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Academic Fair Research

This week students turned in their topics and received an information packet and timeline of check points.  The Academic Fair project and research paper is to be completed at home.  At school we will be guiding your child through the research process.   Mr. Eng will soon be teaching how to color code and use notecards to record information.  Ms. Noonan will be teaching the students how to find proper websites to obtain their information, and will be giving a handout for students to record their sources for each resource they take information from. I will be showing students how to use Ms. Noonan's handout to easily write their bibliography. Lastly,  Ms. Tresselt and I will be going over how to organize their final notecards to write their rough draft with citations in their OWN words.   Copying word for word will not be accepted unless it is a quote that will be cited with a page number.

Please hang up the timeline sheet in a good spot to remind your child of the check in dates.  Falling behind on this project can make this an unpleasant experience. Our goal is to show students that breaking up a large project into small parts removes the overwhelming "big picture" that they first feel when given a research project.  If you have any questions,  just let me know.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year

I hope you all had a relaxing break with my favorite little darlings!  Besides falling on the ice and hurting my knee, I had a wonderful break and now am ready to Rock-and-Roll!  LOL  (if I could walk without pain that would be possible).

This week Friday your child's book report is due for their Dec. novel.  If you need a copy of the requirements, you can download a copy off my blog.  A few students did not include their literary examples last time, so please remind them to include their 5 different examples.

On Monday, all 5th grade students are to have their academic research topics for approval.   Students will be bringing home the timeline of due date checks and a packet of what is required for their papers and presentation boards.  These handouts will also be up on my blog and webpage.

Outdoor Ed. physicals and money are due by February 9th.  The powerpoint presentation is up on my webpage or just click on this link.  We would like all students to have this wonderful opportunity, so if you have any concerns or reservations, please contact me.

Monday: Academic Fair topics Due for approval
                    2 Reading Reflection Logs Due today

Tuesday: Book discussion groups

Wednesday: Xtra Credit spelling night
Friday: Book Reports Due