Outdoor Ed is 2 weeks away. Please have your child return their signed student contract along with your payment. Please send your payment in this coming week. This will then give us a week to finalize our arrangements.
Book Projects and a 1/2 page summary are due Feb. 6th. The new grammar pages are due on Feb.7th, due to our trip on the 10th.
Students need to continue to work on their academic fair notecards daily! The next check is Feb.18th and we expect a large jump in the number of cards that are to be completed. Students should have at least 50 or more.
Look forward to meeting with you!
Monday Reading Reflection Log Due
iPad Boot Camp /Safe and Ethical Use
iPad Boot Camp / Internet Safety
iPad Boot Camp /Core Apps
Thursday Art Homework Due "My Favorite Food"
iPad Boot Camp /Core Apps
1/2 Day No school in P.M Conferences
Friday Spelling Test/ Books Due
1/2 Day No school in P.M.
Jan. 27 Balicki Conferences
Jan. 30 Balicki Conferences
Feb. 10-12 Outdoor Ed Trip to Indiana Dunes Learning Center
Feb. 14 NO School Institute Day
Feb. 17 NO School Presidents' Day
Feb. 18 2nd Notecard Check
Feb. 28 End of 2nd Trimester