It was great meeting with all of you this past week. I still need to meet up with a few of you, and I will contact you soon.
This week Balicki math will take the Unit 2 assessment. We will begin Unit 3 on Thursday. The new Common Core Standards and Goals are up on my web page on the math page.
Friday is the muscular system quiz. Students need to study all new muscular material PLUS study their skeletal quiz, cell quiz, and their bones. Once again the concepts are up on my science page. There is also a Jeopardy Game for review on my science page for this unit. We will be playing it on Thursday, but it is a good study guide for the quiz.
Mon. No School
Tues. Reading Reflection Log Due Grammar Due
Wed. Balicki Math Test
Thurs. Art Sketch DUE
"When you open the door......"
Fri. Spelling Due/Test Science Quiz on Muscular System
Nov. 11 No School Veterans' Day
Nov. 16 End of first Trimester
Nov. 27-29 No School Thanksgiving Holiday