The end of the year school party was changed to May 31st. Sorry for any confusion this might have created.
Also, Tshirts will be handed out after the 5th grade send off tomorrow, please make sure your child wears it on Thursday.
Reading Olympics Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!
Monday, May 27, 2013
This is it! The final week has arrived with many things to complete by Friday. Please make sure to get the field trip permission slip and money turned early this week. Please also send your child to school each day with bags to take home items a little at a time.
Tuesday night is the 5th grade send off and this begins at 6:30pm. Students will be receiving a class TShirt after the send off on Tuesday.
On Thursday your child will be required to wear their 5th grade T Shirt they will be receiving on Tuesday. Please make sure it is clean and ready to be worn for Thursday's fieldtrip.
Friday is the last day of school and dismissal time is at 2:55 pm. Around 2:15pm there will be a few end of the year activities on the playground, one of them being the breaking of ground for the new playground.
It has been great working with each of you! Have a wonderful summer!
Monday No School
Tuesday Reading Logs Due , 1st Desk Clean, 5th Grade Send off
Wednesday 1st Locker Clean up,
Thursday 2nd Desk and Locker Clean, Trip to Enchanted Castle
Friday Book Project Presentations
Last Day of School
May 27 Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
May 28 5th Grade Send Off 6:30 pm
May 30 End of Year fieldtrip to Enchanted Castle
May 30 End of Year School Party
May 31 Last FULL day of school
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Weekly Update
The quiz on Foss Planes is tomorrow, Monday. MAP testing is Wed., if that changes I will send out an email. Ms. Teague informed me that many students are very far behind in their art sketches. Please check with your child to check whether they are caught up with their work in Art.
Science Quiz
Ball and Rope Day
Reading Logs Due
Healthy Heart Day
Wednesday MAP Test
Thursday Sports Hat Day
Art Sketches Due
Friday Spelling Due/Test
School Spirit Day
May 6-11 Fitness Week
May 7 Orchestra Festival
May 9 MAP Test Reading
May 9 Band Festival
May 11 Fun Run
May 21 Family Math Night
May 24 Olympic Day
May 24 Faculty/Staff Softball Game
May 27 Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
May 28 5th Grade Send Off 6:30 pm
May 29 End of Year fieldtrip to Enchanted Castle
May 30 End of Year School Party
May 31 Last FULL day of school
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