Just a reminder that Wednesday is the first Notecard check for the research project. Students should have at least 10 cards, which include ONLY 1 fact per card. Each card should be set up the way they learned in class last week. Have them include the resource they used if it was a book, or an article. We want to make sure they will be filling out the resource card correctly. I will help them fill out their first few resource cards.
Outdoor Education forms are DUE Wednesday. If your child is not attending, please send me a note stating your choice and the reason. Students will still be attending school the days we are away.
Monday Reading Logs Due
Tuesday Conferences in P.M.
Wednesday Notecard Check
Wednesday Notecard Check
Outdoor Ed forms Due
Thursday 1/2 Day School ends at 11 a.m.
Thursday 1/2 Day School ends at 11 a.m.
Conferences in P.M.
Art Homework Due
Friday 1/2 Day School ends at 11 a.m.
Grammar Due for Treasures
Jan. 29 Conferences
Jan. 30 Outdoor Ed. forms are DUE
Jan. 30 First Check of Research Notecards
Jan. 31 1/2 day of School Dismissal at 11 am / Conferences
Feb. 1 1/2 day of School Dismissal at 11 am
Feb. 7 Book Report DUE
Feb.13-15 Outdoor Education Trip
Feb.18 NO SCHOOL President's Day
April 10 Academic Fair Research Papers and Presentations Due