April 17, 2012
Dear Future Julian Family:
Very soon your child will be leaving the elementary school and entering Percy Julian Middle School. The staff and I are excited to welcome you to the school with an orientation meeting on Monday, May 14, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
During the orientation, parents will be given an overview of the sixth grade experience, curriculum, teaming, after-school activities (co-curricular), electives, and more. As you know, your fifth graders visited our school in February for their very own “getting acquainted with Julian MS.” Now it is your turn!
This year’s orientation will be divided into three parts. Parents will first gather in the auditorium for a presentation from the school administration and members of PTO. A general overview of sixth grade will be offered by the administration with PTO members speaking about “Myths You May Have Heard.” For the second segment of the program, parents will visit classrooms to hear from sixth grade teachers about the curriculum, a typical day in the life of a sixth grader, advisory, and other related topics. Finally, parents are asked to come together in the commons for an opportunity to interact informally with each other and gather additional information related to electives and co-curricular activities.
Should you be unable to attend on May 14th, a packet of information will be sent with your name on it to your elementary school.
Entering the middle school will be a new experience for many parents, and we are anxious to make this transition work smoothly for both you and your child. We very much look forward to seeing you on May 14!
Victoria E. Sharts
Victoria E. Sharts, Ph.D.