Reading Olympics Winners

Reading Olympics  Winners
Way to go Annaliese, Penny and Andrew!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

This Week

Monday  Art Homework is Due

Tuesday  Expository Homework for Mr. Eng Due

Wednesday  Extra Credit Spelling Night

Thursday  Spelling Test/ Spelling Homework Due
                            Winter concert at 8:15 and 9:45 a.m.
                             Gym Homework Due

Friday   Assessment for Rattlers
                         Book Buddy Celebration /Activity starting at 1p.m. in Ms. Gullo's Room

If you have not viewed the power point presented at the Tuesday Outdoor Ed. meeting, you can find a link on my webpage.
When students return they should have 2 reading logs to turn in.  One log is from the homework that they will be completing THIS week.  They should also have their topic for their academic fair project and research paper so it can be approved.  A time line sheet will be sent home in January of due date checks.

Students' Book Reports are due on Friday January 13th.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Art Homework

Students are forgetting to complete their art homework.  Art homework is reflected in their grades. This homework is due each Monday and is to be done in their sketchbooks.  I see many students on Monday mornings trying to complete this before they go to art.  Friday afternoon before dismissal I made an announcement to make sure they take their books home, and when I looked in the art box, there were MANY books not taken home.  They are allowed to draw it on paper for proper credit.  Here are the assignments for this trimester thus far:

1. Draw a room in your house. (due the week of 12/5/11)
2. Draw a Logo. (due the week of 12/12/11)
3. Draw a picture of Outer Space. (due the week of 12/19/11)

Physical Education Homework is also due this week.  If your child lost their homework sheet, there is a link on my web page and blog to print another one.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Our first investigation in Science will be Swingers.

The Purpose in Swingers,
Students will
  • Observe and compare the behaviors of swingers
  • Gain experience with the concept of variable
  • Conduct controlled experiments to find out what variables affect the number of cycles a swinger will complete in a unit of time
  • Relate swinger length to the number of cycles it completes in a unit of time
  • Make a concrete, pictorial, and two-coordinate graphs of experimental results
  • Use graphs to look for errors and make predictions
  • Use scientific thinking processes to conducting investigations and build explanations:  observing,communicating, comparing,organizing,and relating.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Irving Eagle Extras

Good morning fellow parents,

AT the PTO meeting last week, it was mentioned that the 3-5th grade portion of the Irving Eagle Extras activities for this next period is in serious danger of being canceled all together.  Currently, there is not a single activity for this age group that has met the minimum numbers necessary.  If registration does not increase in the next week, there will be no choice but to cancel these classes.  Please register as soon as possible.

(one room parent)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I cannot believe it is December, time is just flying by and in no time the New Year will be upon us!  If you have not put on your calendars the Outdoor Ed meeting, please plan on attending to learn about this EXCITING trip.  That date is Dec.13, Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m.   Also the Winter Concert is being held on Dec.22 and again there are two identical performances that you can choose from.  The times are 8:15 and 9:45a.m.
On Dec.23 in the afternoon, we will be celebrating the New Year with our book buddies.  A room parent will be contacting you to help supply healthy snacks for this celebration.  We will be toasting the New Year at 2:30p.m.
Tomorrow is the last quiz on the nervous system/skin.  The final test will be taken on Wednesday.   Book projects and a 1/2 page summary are due on Tuesday.
Students have a project due for Ms. Tresselt on Thursday.  They are to have everything ready so they can assemble their cubes in class.  If you did not know about this project, click on this link.

Monday-  Science Quiz  All 5th grade
Tuesday   Book projects Due 
                      Reading Olympics 
Wednesday Balicki Science Final Test
                           Xtra Credit Spelling Homework night
Thursday    Spelling Test  and Homework due
                        Tresselt Native American Project Due
                         Science Final Test for Tresselt and Eng
Friday          Treasure Assessment for Hidden Worlds will
                        be given on Monday. Contract work will be due
                        by Wed.